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Saturday, May 8, 2010

A wonderful Birthday!

I'm finally 20 this year.. Wow how time flies wei... Anyways, now my age has the number "2" there d! gosh i feel so old all of a sudden... Now it is time to be a grown up, gone are the days where i can still fool around like a kid, 20 long years no more excuses d. It is time to start thinking like an adult and be more matured like an adult. No time to waste! =)

Anyways my baby bought me this really cool watch from casio which was worth RM189, thanks honey!!! It's really really nice, i was like so mesmerised by the lights and the cool features! Can you believe that it actually tells international time too!!! haha... It was like so cool, the best thing is that the watch is stainless steel and waterproof!!! which means anti-justin sweat! haha so it wouldnt rust!!!!

So today being my birthday, i still went to work... =.="... haha but i had a lot of "fun" catering to those long winded singaporeans who talk to for half an hour checking the fares with ending up not buying anything... haha.. anyways at the end of work, went to secret recipe to eat dinner with my baby bu and desmond! haha we all chose a piece of cake and the both of them sang hapi birthday to me! thanks guys, so we chit chatted and pity my darling ate a very very hard piece of chicken steak and over toasted burger bun... overall we had so much fun joking around and all... hehe... it has been a great birthday indeed

1 comment:

  1. yea yea!!! i like to lights too.. when i am angry.. u flashed those light... i would be like *woooo.... captivating* happy to know u love ur watch

    and hope ur wish come true for ur birthday
