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Monday, May 10, 2010

From Raw Material to Sword

Ruby told me a story of a piece of raw metal that was left by the road side and was oblivious to anyone that walked by. The raw metal told himself that he wants to be in service for the best and not to be just be a piece of junk.

So with this desire it called out day and night hoping for someone will pick it up and use him again, he knew of the hardships that he'll have to go through like going through the high temperatures of the furnace to be melted and be knocked on hard by unforgiving steel hammers to shape him into something useful. But he was willing to fight on and go through that process a million times because he knew that he can be useful time and time again and not be a be a piece of thrash by the road.

True enough, a blacksmith walked pass and heard his cries, he took him to his house and moulded him into a fine sword, it turned out that the blacksmith was working for one of the legendary knights of that town and that the knight had needed a new good sword. Thus the raw metal that was moulded into a sword was given to the knight and he served his master faithfully.

This story tells me that we all have that inner talent within us, it's just the matter of wanting to put it to good use, I know I have some talent in me and i intend to use it and not waste the talent bestowed to me.

Thank you Ruby for the story, I hereby declare that from now on the stories that you tell me will be in this blog, drawn in a piece of paper and will be placed in my room so that i can remember all the stories that you will tell me.

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