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Saturday, January 16, 2010


The days counting down to 30th October 2007 was an interesting one. Thinking of it just makes me smile, i was in this secluded tuition center in the middle of petaling street where mostly the students are indians. I was there in response of my ex-girlfriend wanting me to go there as according to her the teacher was really good. So i just went reluctantly, not knowing that that move was about to change my life.

So there was I, in the middle of nowhere in the midst of people i had no idea who they were and my ex dumped me there by my own as after a few classes she thought it wasn't that good after all. Not knowing what to do and thinking that going back to kasturi was too redundant, i decided to stay back and continue on with the tuition. I noticed one thing though in Chemistry and only in Chemistry class there was this lively Chinese girl would always come in to class with a cheerful look and everytime she walks through that door she'll say out loud "Hi, sir!" (refering to our tuition teacher) and she'll take her sit next to this girl whom i got to know later on was darshini. I always smiled when i saw her coming in the class with that cheerful look on her face. After a few months i find myself always expecting her to come in to class before chemistry class and without fail every single time she comes in, i'd smile. =)at that moment i knew i had something for this girl.

I never had the guts to talk to her, i was afraid that if I approached her, she would freak out and think that i'm some kind of psycho looking for some fresh meat. =p (p.s baby i'm not an evil shit) so i just sat there observing her doing the things that she do, until that very one day she suddenly talked to me, i panicked and i was wondering what to say and eventually she asked me whether i'd be interested in having lunch with her near our tuition center and i agreed! =) haha, feel kinda guilty though that she made the first move. Oh well, i must say she has more guts than i do... So things went on and we'll talk and talk whenever we met and eventually we got closer and closer.

But then the turning point, she was attending the spm seminar in kasturi whereas i was in mcdonalds which was situated nearby kasturi, i told her i was studying with somebody (which was my ex) i didn't tell her as i don't want her to be thinking something else (You know how it is when the person you like sees you with your ex)which i was trying to avoid. I swear that it was the last time i was going to see my ex as i promised to help her with her history. But things didn't go as planned ironically. =p I remembered she told me the previous day that i was a good boy and she would give me a surprise and she did! While i was studying, she came over to me all of a sudden, i was so surprised that she came to find me and she was panting all over which i guessed she had run all the way to find me, and stupidly the idiot in me took over my body, i was like so afraid that she would see my ex and it would make her unhappy, so what i did when she gave me the lollipop i was like in a rush to chase her away and that made her real mad. At that very moment, i really didn't know what to do as she was really cold to me at that time. Eventually i told her that i really had feelings towards her and i really love her. She told me that she had feelings towards me all these while and thus the beginning of our relationship.

and the girl that i was talking all these while in the post is of course my one and only love of my life RUBY WONG!! Without a doubt, i love her in the past, present and in the future. We are getting into the third year of our life together and eventhough it has been three years, everyday seems to be like the first day we ever got together. =) i love you honey

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