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Monday, January 11, 2010

The Beginning of The Future

It is the year 2010, the beginning of a new year, of a new life, the ups and downs in the past year becomes a distant memory but there is one thing i will never forget...
That is the one whom i am so in love with, we have been together for more than 2 years now, i dare say it wasn't a smooth ride all the way. We had our arguments, our fights, saying things we never thought we'd ever say to each other because of our reluctance to give in to each other.

Despite that, things that don't bring us down makes us stronger, no matter how ugly it turns out to be, we soon realize that what we argued over was us showing each other how much we care about each other, we may portray it in the wrong way but the love is in there somewhere between the yelling and screaming. I don't know why do i say it, but I feel we argue and after the argument when everything settles down we realize that we had learned something from the argument. Especially myself, I've learned that she doesn't want to argue with me, it's the last thing she'd want to do in her life! However, due to my ego and unwillingness to back down from an argument, she had to do something to make me realize that she is doing this because she cares for me and wants me to be better for myself and for our relationship.

"Truly loving another means letting go of all expectations. It means full acceptance, even celebration of another's personhood."
-Karen Casey
That's how a relationship be, and thats how i feel about our relationship, though we may not agree with how we handle our own personal life, but throughout this two years we have learned how to accept each other, it's not about changing your partner but it is to accepting him/her for who they are and only giving them ways of how to improve themselves and guide them but to never control to be what you want them to be because in the end it is who they are before you met them. You may share with each other the weaknesses that you see in them that they might never be aware before but never tell them to change with immediate effect. Like how my love does for me, she's ever patient in guiding me and making me realize all the wrongs i've ever done.

In the end, the love that Ruby has given to me is unconditional, she never asks for much, she just wants me to be better for the my sake and the sake of my relationship. And i vow to always keep her happy and love her for the rest of my life.

this is just the beginning of our journey together. And i would like to take this opportunity to thank Ruby for all the love she has given me.

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