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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

6th April 2010

Hehe, i went to KLCC with my darling today. Initially we didnt know what we wanted to do lor cuz we both ended our classes at 11 something and we had so much time on our hands.

So first we went to CITC to play around with the pc since its like the last few days we'd be using it. Then we got bored of it cuz we could not play texas hold em or anything like that, eventually we decided to leave. While we were walking to the LRT station initially with the intention of going back to our separate homes, baby suddenly ask whether want go watch movie or not, and at first we were in the balance whether we should go back or to go watch movie. In the end i decided we should go watch a movie since it has been so long since we last watched a movie together.

So off to KLCC we went, and guess what show we watched? How to train your dragon!!!! and in 3D too!! This is the 1st time for the both of us watching a 3D movie, the ticket price was RM18 per person, unfortunately for 3D movies there are no student rates. =.="
anyways the movie was like fantastic! the dragons and all. haha i remember there was one part when the hero's dragon was captured and baby was like so sad and kept on asking me would the dragon be alright? haha she looked so so cute when she was looking at me like that with the 3D goggles.

after the end of the movie baby took me to buy some shirts and she bought me 2 wonderful shirts from pdi! i love it so so much! i immediately washed the two shirts and i'm going to wear it tomorrow! hehe, i love you honey thank you so so much! Today was all kinds of fun and i appreciated every single second spent with you! eventhough i had to withstand the madness of the rush hour going back but i feel that it is all worth it.